Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy New year to all our readers, hope you had a fantastic Christmas too.....we did! We are off to Berrien and will see you in the new year.....leaving the house, dogs, pigs, hens and sheepies in the hands of my eldest son.....yikes!

1 comment:

Simply Authentic said...

Hello there! I just discovered your blog through Contemplating Change and I must say I love it. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I've always wanted to have sheep eventually and I fell in love with the UK when I was there in 2002. Was sorry to read about the ordeal you are going/went through with importing the sheep, but I will be quite interested in reading your blog from now on gleaning all I can from your experiences-which basically means that as much as I daydream about having sheep and land someday, I need all the instruction I can get. :-) Happy Holidays to you! Hope you enjoy the time away!