Sorry to all those who are regular readers, I have been sooooo tired that blogging has been a bit neglected!
Our pigs are now relieved of their offspring and mighty relieved they were too! 3 gilts went to their new homes last weekend where they will be breeding sows eventually. I now have 6 boars that will be going in our freezer or sold as pork and sausages if there are no takers for them. If anyone reading this would like to buy a pair for raising for pork and bacon let me know! Mums and dad now have their pig paddocks back to themselves and are enjoying not being pestered by lots of children!
The sheep are very well and the coloured Wensleydales and Dorset x Wensleydales are running with my new Gotland ram Fred and 3 pedigree Gotland ewes. We should have some very pretty coloured wiggly woolled lambs next year!
The Ouessants are all running with my French Ouessant ram that I imported last December, called

The wool washing machine is now awaiting a new hot tank and will be ready to wash by the end of the year and the new picker is having a picker box built......all will soon be revealed! If you require your wool washed, carded or felted please book your slot now or send for a price list.
AND......what every woman needs......a big spanner...........just look at the size of this one (used to adjust the feet on the felter if you were wondering!)........thats a large teaspoon for scale!
Poor old Sarkozy he looks so tired recently, it must be too many late nights.
You very kindly offered to let me come along and have a go with your felting machine a while back and I haven't forgotten - these pictures make me want to come all the more. I'll get my hip replacement op out of the way first, as I'm a bit clunky on my feet at the mo and then, if I still may, I should love to come along - it looks so fascinating!
I love the spanner. Doesn't every modern girl carry a toolkit in her handbag? I know I do! Keep on felting.
Cheers, Sarah (Shpton Witch)
Looking forward to it Sarah!!!! Just let me know when!
Sarkozy... LOL...
Are the ewes called Marie-Dominique, Cecilia, and Carla by any chance?
I've tagged you for a green meme. The details are on my blog, play along if you want to.
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